
The Electronics Flea Market returns on March 9, 2025. The location (directions) is parking lot 3 at West Valley College in Saratoga:

West Valley College
14000 Fruitvale Ave
Saratoga, California 95070

The hours are from 6:00AM until 12:00 Noon. Please observe a quiet time before 8:00AM.

The Electronics Flea Market does not solicit or accept advance reservations for selling spots. Please ignore any offers you might receive.

[Check this page for updates before attending these events in case of scheduling changes.]

With our larger market space, regular seller spots are 2‑spaces, and jumbo seller spots are 3‑spaces.

Seller Entry Fee $40 / $60 (updated for 2023)

Seller's spaces are sold on a first-come, first-served basis and the fee is collected upon entry.

We offer the following seller spots:

This is a regular (2-space) seller spot (two consecutive, adjacent parking spaces). You may park your vehicle in the space, but it must fit completely within the space.
This is a jumbo (3-space) seller spot (three consecutive, adjacent parking spaces). There are a limited number of these spaces. You may park your vehicle in this space, but it must fit completely within the space.

You may lease multiples of regular (2-space) ($40) seller spots if you need more room.


Sellers Must Register to Attend the Flea Market

California State Law requires flea market operators, such as ASVARO, to register all sellers at each flea market. [California Department of Tax and Fee Administration Publication 111] Flea market operators must collect the seller's permit number from every seller and the name of the permit holder. Sellers who are not required to have a seller's permit must register by providing their name, address and driver license number.

A Seller's Permit may be Required

If you expect to be a regular seller at the Electronics Flea Market, you will need either a regular or a temporary seller's permit from the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA).

In California, if you intend to sell mostly personal items only once or twice a year, you are not required to hold a seller's permit. This type of seller is known as an “occasional seller.” An Occasional Seller is defined by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration:

Occasional and Nontaxable Sales—Occasional sellers are usually people who are not required to hold a seller’s permit because they will not be making a series of qualifying sales. A person who has cleared their garage of used items accumulated for their own use and who sells only those items would usually qualify as an occasional seller, provided they make sales no more than twice in a 12-month period. Some sellers who make only nontaxable sales are also not required to hold seller’s permits. … [excerpted from CDTFA-410-D rev. 9 (March 2023)]

Sellers who describe themselves as “occasional sellers” shall only be allowed to attend two (2) Electronics Flea Markets per 12 month period. This is per instruction from the California Board of Equalization. If you intend to sell at more than two (2) events in California in a 12 month period you are required to hold either a regular or a temporary seller's permit. If you wish to sell at a third Electronics Flea Market event within a 12 month period, you must have sellers permit. You may apply for a permit at the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. (CDTFA Register-Renewals page).

As an occasional seller you may sell at two of our markets in a twelve month period. For example, if you plan to sell at the June market this year, the 12 month window extends from July of the previous year through June of this year. More explanation and another example can be found on our FAQ page.

You can check on the status of your seller's permit at the CDTFA Verification page. Look for the “verification web page” under the section titled “How do I verify a permit or license?”.


Register as a Seller at the Electronics Flea Market

Sellers at the Electronics Flea Market are required to register. Please bring a completed

seller registration form [CDTFA-410-D rev. 9 (March 2023)]

to speed your entry into the Electronics Flea Market. For your convenience the form is a fill-in form that you may type into and then print. You may also print the form and fill it in by hand. Be sure to sign and date your completed form.

Once sellers have been registered with the Electronics Flea Market, we only need to check them off our list of sellers when they enter the market.

By law, seller information is maintained for a period of 4 years and is made available to government agencies upon lawful request. Other than that, we do not share your information with third parties.

External Links:

Welcome | Schedule | Directions | Seller | Recycle | Email | FAQ | What's New | Search | Weather

The Electronic Flea Markets are managed by ASVARO.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to webmaster AT asvaro.org.
Copyright © 1997-2024 All rights reserved.
Last modified: Tuesday December 31, 2024