The Electronics Flea Market returns on March 9, 2025.
The hours are from 6:00AM until 12:00 Noon. Please observe a quiet time before 8:00AM.
The Electronics Flea Market does not solicit or accept advance reservations for selling spots. Please ignore any offers you might receive.
[Check this page for updates before attending these events in case of scheduling changes.]
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You can easily recognize list email because it is from efm AT svpal DOT org and the subject will begin with “[EFM]”. We send out reminders of upcoming flea markets and who's sponsoring that month's flea market. We will let you know about any changes in the market and perhaps send other information of interest to market attendees.
Note that this is an announcement only list, so any email to the list will be forwarded to the list moderator and not posted to the list.
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Each email from the list includes links to modify your subscription or to unsubscribe, so just use the links. You may also use the subscribe page to unsubscribe from the list.
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